1 min read

You Are Not Safe

Here you go: you(r data) are not safe, digitally.

Tech Giants Race to Address Chip Flaws With a Potentially Vast Impact

The world’s computer-chip and software makers scrambled to respond to the disclosure of two widespread hardware vulnerabilities found by cybersecurity experts that could affect most of the world’s modern computing devices.

One of my 2018 resolutions is to communicate more clearly, so here you go: you(r data) are not safe, digitally.

Someone will hack your data, so plan for it. Don’t write things you wouldn’t want everyone to read. Don’t send private photos. Don’t transmit personal information.

Once you accept that you are digitally vulnerable, you will act differently. You will reset your expectations and become more conservative. That’s probably not a bad thing.

So pick up the phone. Call your mom or friend. Better yet, meet them in person. It won’t be more convenient, but it will be more secure — and probably more enjoyable.

For good digital hygiene, you can use the Wired guide to digital security is a good place to start.