1 min read

A Message To Garcia

There are times in our lives when we must complete our missions regardless of externalities.

A Message To Garcia

[The] Story of an American soldier charged with delivering a critical message to a leader of Cuban rebel forces during the Spanish American War. He delivers the urgent missive with no questions asked, no complaining, and no hedging.

In 1899, Elbert Hubbard wrote “A Message To Garcia.” This short essay — the author wrote it an hour — was distributed more than forty million times.

The essay’s central point is that, like Lt. Rowan carrying a message to General Garcia, there are times in our lives when we must complete our missions regardless of externalities.

No escape hatches. No deflection. No shedding responsibility.

In the era of #fakenews, some things remain consistent and true.

The power of perseverance is an ancient truth.